Resistivity Interpretation Software

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JLog Petrophysical Software Petrophysics Software Formation Evaluation Software Well Log Analysis Software Log Analysis Software Well Log Interpretation Software Log Analysis Software. With the View button of Import. File menu open SAND. TXT and you will see the following logs in a spreadsheet format of columns and rows. Never use Open of the File menu to open LAS or TXT files. The first row contains the curve names. Depth MSFL LLS LLD RHOB NPHI GR PEF DT SP CALI. Home Products Seismographs Geode Geode Software Geode Software. Operating Systems Geodes can be operated from computers running Windows NT, 98, ME, W2K. Geophysical Consulting in Airborne Survyes, Potential Field, Magnetic and Gravity, Quality Control QC, Radiometric gammaray spectrometry, Electromagnetic EM. SES 3D directional drilling software with Technical Hole Deviation and FDS rigsite daily drilling report software features and links to FREE trial downloads. Pumping PV systems. PV systems are implemented deep well, pumping from lake or river, and pressurization for water distribution. These may be simulated. Version 3. 0. 1, 10Jan2003 Download Freeversion of IPI2win 1600K maximal profile length is 10 Manual for ipi2win from Alva Kurniawan. Spanish version. JLog Petrophysical Software Petrophysics Software Formation Evaluation Software Well Log Analysis Software Log Analysis Software Well Log Interpretation. Resistivity Interpretation Software' title='Resistivity Interpretation Software' />Resistivity Interpretation SoftwareThe data appears in a spreadsheet arrangement below each curve name. It is generally not a good idea to change the curve names. An exception would be an input TXT or LAS file that has density only in the form of density porosity such as DPHI. Resistivity Interpretation Software' title='Resistivity Interpretation Software' />Resistivity Interpretation SoftwareYou could change the DPHI name to RHOB prior to import and then convert to bulk density when importing by advising JLog of the RHOF and RHOG values used to compute DPHI. If possible, always ask for the bulk density itself in the LAS file JLog can compute density porosity from it later on. If one wanted to read log values from hard copy logs they could enter values by hand and construct a spreadsheet similar to SAND. TXT and save it as a tab delimited TEXT file. Each column of data must be filled in. If data is bad or missing just enter the null value of 9. It is not necessary to enter the log data at uniform depth increments but it is better to do so. The depth increment could be larger for a thicker pay zone than for a thin one. NPHI is in percent limestone porosity units here but JLog wants the units in decimal. You will have a chance to convert from percent to decimal when importing the SAND. TXT data. If NPHI is in sand or dolomite porosity units JLog will convert them to limestone. It may be useful to open the Text TXT or LAS file to be imported with a word processor or text editor so you can see the curve names and check the actual data. Go back to Shade Between. Check the first Shade checkbox on the top row. Select red Color in the first row opposite the checked box. Between Left Log column, top row, select LLS and under and Right Log column, top row, select LLD from the dropdown menus. Under Shade Legend, top row, type in PERMEABLE. We are shading between LLS and LLD and coloring it red thus suggesting the resistivity separation is due to permeability. Click OK. Porosity Sw Models. Porosity can be selected from models such as Sonic Wyllie, Density Neutron and so on. Available choices depend on logs present. If a porosity log such as Density is absent, then Density and Density Neutron options will also be absent. One can also select a Curve to be the porosity log JLog needs to know if the Curve is in decimal porosity units or not. If no porosity logs are present it is possible to set porosity to a constant value. Porosity may be limited to a maximum value which is useful in bad hole where porosity may read too high and result in false shows. Here Density Neutron porosity is selected. Two clay models relating Vclay and total porosity PHIT to effective porosity PHIE are available. The Laminated model is selected. Six Sw models are available. The Indonesian Sw model is selected. The Dual Water Total model has also been selected for comparison which can be very useful for final Sw model determination as both will be plotted. Curve is an imported Sw from an outside source. The Ratio model is normally used for clean carbonates with an exponent of 0. Misa Criolla Mp3 Free Download. The model does not need a knowledge of m and n. Although it is designed for use with PHIT it can be used with a Vclay indicator and PHIE for reserve calculations. The Gas Shale model determines gas reserves from a relationship between desorption or total gas in scfton and a log or a Calculated Curve. This relationship needs to be determined from lab and log data. If an average scfton is known that can be used. Gas Shales generally have high GR, lower bulk density and higher resistivity than other shales. This results in a higher Rwa Rtporositym. At the minimum, a GR log is needed to estimate Gas Shale volume in the lithology track. Step by step EvalGas Shale. New Albany Shale where GR is used to try to identify Gas Shale in the Eval Lithology track. Import data in the normal way with FileImport. After checking data import with LogsView Log Values. Plot Logs select ModelsEval Mineral ModelsGas Shale. GR, 3 Mineral PEF, 3 Mineral Sonic and 5 Mineral lithology models may be used if the appropriate logs are available. First the GR, the only lithology model available before JLog version 6 will be described using a relationship between SCFton and the bulk density DEN log. Enter the GR clay and GR gas shale values. The equation used to compute Gas Shale volume is displayed in Eval Lithology track is displayed in the dialog below. Any GR above 2. 00 is to be due to Gas Shale. With EvalNet Gas Shale Pay. SCF Gaston relationship, drainage area and select a filter to define Net Pay. The rest of the evaluation is carried on in the normal way. Use EvalView Gas Shale Answers. The EvalCalculate Quick Gas Shale Net Pay summary looks like this. EvalPlot Eval at 5 inch1. BCF GAS Net Pay in place at surface conditionssection. IPF 1. 00 MCF 1,0. PSI through 34 choke 2,6. Haecker TOCDEN for New Albany Shale presented in track 3 as wttocden with a1. Here is a Niobrara, 3 Mineral PEF, example with a hypothetical relationship between SCFTON gas and TOC calculated with Haecker TOCDEN Niobrara parameters. First plot TOCDEN without Filter TOC Calculated Curve as explained in part C Density Correlation method of the Source Tight Oil Manual 9 with Niobrara parameters of a1. All North America Formation. Then select ModelsEval Mineral ModelsGas Shale. For the Gas Shale. Mineral PEF example QUARTZ and CALCITE names and default values are used. GAS SHALE RHOG2. U1. RHOmaa Umaa plot. At this point the lithology model for the Eval Lithology track is set up just like it would be in a 3 Mineral PEF Eval model. TOCDEN is calculated using the Haecker TOCDEN method explained in the Source Tight Oil Manual. A simple hypothetical relationship between scfton gas and TOC is to be used with Haecker TOCDEN Niobrara parameters of a1. With EvalNet Gas Shale Pay. SCF Gaston to TOC relationship in the dialog below dont forget c 1. Gas Shale Net Pay filter so only TOCDEN 0. The relationship between scfton and TOC is scfton3. TOC. TOC is from TOCDEN Calculated Curve. The TOCDEN Gas Shale Net Pay filter below is applied so gas in place will only be calculated when TOCDEN 0. The EvalCalculate Quick Gas Shale Net Pay. EvalPlot Eval at 5 inch1. CALC 1. 05. 0 MCF GAS CALC 1. BBL WATER. 1. 50. The Pulsed Neutron model determines Sw from Sigma and works best in high formation water salinities. It is necessary to have both sigma from the pulsed neutron and a porosity log to solve for Sw in the Sigma Clean Sw model. A clay indicator such as GR is needed to find Sw in the Sigma Clay model. The clay indicator reduces total porosity to effective porosity in the usual way. Effective porosity PHIE is used in the Sigma Clay Sw model while total porosity PHIT is used in the Sigma Clean Sw model as in Archie Sw model because PHIEPHIT. If a clay indicator is selected with the Sigma Clay Sw model Clay, Mineral 1 and PHIE are displayed in the lithology track of the Evaluation plot. PHIE is in Track 4.